How soon can I get an Asian Revision Rhinoplasty?

Q: 1 month ago I got a rhinoplasty and I am unhappy about the size of my bulbous / tip area. It is really big (I wanted definition, narrower elongated tip. I believe that my nose is attainable for this definition but my surgeon did not build it that way. I also got a cartilage augment. How early can I get revision? And how much can I expect to pay more? I paid 8k in Los Angeles and may go anywhere in US to fulfill a revision. I know it’s early but my nose is NOT what I want.

A: At 1 month, you are extremely early in your recovery period and the nose is expected to be quite swollen at this point.  The majority of the swelling will resolve in 3-6 months, and will continue to resolve as your nose heals for up to 1-2 years.

Revision surgery generally is more complex and challenging than primary surgery, and thus is typically costlier.  In some cases, depending on the area being addressed, revision surgery may be considered as early as 6 months post-op, but in general waiting a full year is prudent.

About Donald B. Yoo, M.D.

Dr. Yoo is a board-certified surgeon, fellowship trained in facial plastic surgery with extensive experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He specializes in rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, facial rejuvenation surgery (including blepharoplasty and facelift), and Asian cosmetic surgery (including Asian rhinoplasty and Asian blepharoplasty/Asian eyelid surgery). see more: 433 N Camden Drive, Suite 970 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-772-0766
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