Q: I’m Asian and I had nose job last 3 months ago, and it’s a perfectly done but I’m scared for possibility bad effects of it. This is a hard L shaped silicone implant. I’m planning to remove it and change to silicon soft implant and ear cartilage for my tip. Do you think this is a good option? How long that the ear cartilage last?
A: While there is no urgent need to replace the silicone implant, it will likely need to be removed in the next 10-20 years, if not sooner. Since it is a foreign body, the silicone will not become incorporated into your nose and it will gradually thin out the skin of your nose.
Cartilage from your own body (septum, ear, or rib cartilage) will last permanently. However if you like the look of the silicone implant, ear cartilage may not be sufficient and rib cartilage may be necessary to achieve the same degree of augmentation and refinement.
Consultation with an Asian rhinoplasty specialist experienced with autologous grafts will help you to carefully weigh the available options.