Q: I’m Asian, 56 years old. My nostrils are uneven. Do you think there is any hope for me to correct them?
A: While nostril asymmetry is the most difficult area of asymmetry to correct, in most cases it can be improved during rhinoplasty. While perfect symmetry is not attainable, improved symmetry usually is.
About Donald B. Yoo, M.D.
Dr. Yoo is a board-certified surgeon, fellowship trained in facial plastic surgery with extensive experience in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He specializes in rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, facial rejuvenation surgery (including blepharoplasty and facelift), and Asian cosmetic surgery (including Asian rhinoplasty and Asian blepharoplasty/Asian eyelid surgery).
see more: http://www.donyoomd.com
433 N Camden Drive, Suite 970
Beverly Hills, CA 90210