Q: I’m seventeen years old & had rhinoplasty done two weeks ago. My doctor took a bump off my nose since my nose was broken for eleven years & I had breathing problems. I have dissolvable stitches on the inside of my nose & on the right side of my head just above my right ear. My doctor said I’m healthy but I’ve been craving to have a cigarette for a long time now. So is it alright for me to have a cigarette a day or once every now & then since it’s been two weeks after having my rhinoplasty done?
A: After rhinoplasty, the blood supply and lymphatics of your nose is very sensitive and can easily be compromised. Smoking and nicotine will hurt the blood supply and circulation of your nose, which can result in poor healing. Touch base with your surgeon about when is a safe time to resume smoking. I typically instruct my patients to wait 6 weeks after surgery.